full transcript

From the Ted Talk by Dan Ariely: What makes us feel good about our work?

Unscramble the Blue Letters

So in the second conidiotn of this experiment, that's exactly what we did. We asked people, "Would you like to build one bnicolie for three dollars?" And if they said yes, they built it. Then we asked them, "Do you want to bilud another one for $2.70?" And if they said yes, we gave them a new one, and as they were building it, we took apart the one that they just finished. And when they finished that, we said, "Would you like to build another one, this time for 30 cents less?" And if they said yes, we gave them the one that they built and we broke. So this was an endless cycle of them building, and us dsorintyeg in front of their eyes.

Open Cloze

So in the second _________ of this experiment, that's exactly what we did. We asked people, "Would you like to build one ________ for three dollars?" And if they said yes, they built it. Then we asked them, "Do you want to _____ another one for $2.70?" And if they said yes, we gave them a new one, and as they were building it, we took apart the one that they just finished. And when they finished that, we said, "Would you like to build another one, this time for 30 cents less?" And if they said yes, we gave them the one that they built and we broke. So this was an endless cycle of them building, and us __________ in front of their eyes.


  1. destroying
  2. build
  3. bionicle
  4. condition

Original Text

So in the second condition of this experiment, that's exactly what we did. We asked people, "Would you like to build one Bionicle for three dollars?" And if they said yes, they built it. Then we asked them, "Do you want to build another one for $2.70?" And if they said yes, we gave them a new one, and as they were building it, we took apart the one that they just finished. And when they finished that, we said, "Would you like to build another one, this time for 30 cents less?" And if they said yes, we gave them the one that they built and we broke. So this was an endless cycle of them building, and us destroying in front of their eyes.

Frequently Occurring Word Combinations

ngrams of length 2

collocation frequency
good news 4
powerpoint presentation 3
people built 3
software company 3
bad news 3
adam smith 3
mountain climbing 2
started thinking 2
meaningful condition 2
big meaning 2
love legos 2
big software 2
asked people 2
people worked 2
cake mixes 2
builders loved 2

ngrams of length 3

collocation frequency
big software company 2

Important Words

  1. asked
  2. bionicle
  3. broke
  4. build
  5. building
  6. built
  7. cents
  8. condition
  9. cycle
  10. destroying
  11. dollars
  12. endless
  13. experiment
  14. eyes
  15. finished
  16. front
  17. gave
  18. people
  19. time